June 1, 2021

How to Find the Best CBD Oil For Pain?

Have you finally decided to give CBD a try? If yes, then you can finally go and buy the product you need. But, wait a minute, do you know which product to buy? If yes, then are you sure that you are making the right choice?

The most important step for using CBD right after knowing how much CBD to take is to learn how to get your hands on a good quality product.

The thing about CBD is that it is federally legal but it is not FDA regulated. So, when buying a CBD product, you need to be extra careful with what you choose. This is why this blog is all about helping you learn how to begin. 

Begin With the Basics

Before you start exploring the online shops or visit a nearby store, take a step back and begin again. But this time, start with the basics. Here’s how you can begin:

List Down Your Needs

CBD can help you only if you are aware of your needs. The main point about CBD as a therapeutic chemical is the fact that it can help people in many ways. For instance, it’s an antidepressant as well as pain-relieving. But, you will be able to experience the benefits only if you are aware of the problem you are targeting. This way, you can be aware of the expectation and determine if it works or not. 

Listing down your needs will also help in narrowing down the types of products and their different strengths. 

Choose a Method of Administration

CBD can be smoked, ingesting or used sublingually. In fact, there are more methods of administration other than smoking and edibles that you can choose from. The choice will depend on the list of needs you’ve made in the previous step and of course availability. 

Choosing a method of administration is important because each of them has different onsets and delivers products with varying potency. So, your choice will depend on whether or not you need quick relief and strong effects. 

Additional factors like discreetness, convenience and affordability also play a role in helping one decide which is the best way to consume CBD. 

Start Your Search Using These Tips

Once you are done with the basic steps, your next move is to begin the exploration of the perfect CBD product. There are a few steps involved in finding high-quality and reliable products. 

Hemp Extract Type

Every beginner must understand that hemp extracts are primarily of three types: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and CBD isolate. 

The difference among these extract types lies in their composition. Full-spectrum CBD contains all the plant compounds of hemp including THC. Broad-spectrum has the same composition except it does not contain any THC. As for the CBD isolate, it has no other component than pure CBD. 

Each of these types is preferred by people for different needs. For instance, full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD deliver the benefits of the entourage effect which can be beneficial for some people. And in the case of isolates, you get the pure effects of CBD. 


The concentration of your CBD product is very important. Even though CBD is not intoxicating, the effects can become intolerable for beginners if not consumed at a proper dose. For this reason, you need to be very careful with the amount you consume. 

For instance, if you are using CBD as a part of your overall wellness routine, a small concentration can be great for you. But for patients dealing with insomnia, anxiety or severe pain, only a higher concentration can be effective. 

This is why you can easily find products with strengths varying from 150mg to 6000mg concentrations. 

Explore the Brand

There are hundreds of brands offering good-quality CBD products. Your job here is to make sure that the brand delivers what they claim. Here’s how you can do that:


  • Find out the brand’s hemp source. You will be able to learn about the growing conditions of hemp. 
  • Explore the website. Check for any credentials that may support their claim of high-quality CBD. 
  • Find the production process of the CBD oil such as the extraction technique, internal testing, etc.
  • Search for feedback. Reviews about the brand can be very beneficial in making a decision. 

Look for the Certificate of Analysis

Last but not the least, check the certificate of analysis. 

Every CBD brand that understands the importance of quality CBD and prioritizes consumer safety will have a partnership with a third-party testing laboratory. These labs give unbiased and detailed information about everything that is in a product. Every single batch of a product goes through different tests such as cannabinoid analysis, pesticide, and residual solvent test, microbial analysis, etc. 

An ethical brand will make these results transparent for the consumers. You can generally find them online or access them through QR codes on the packaging. 

A certificate of analysis also acts as proof of safety since FDA hasn’t stepped in to employ any regulations on the same.

So, do you think you can get yourself the best CBD oil now? If yes then spread the word. Because it is only with the right knowledge that every CBD enthusiast, whether a beginner or a veteran, can ensure that they are able to extract the most benefits out of CBD.

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