As you can probably tell by now, we are not huge fans of “Big Pharma” but maybe not for the reasons you think, no we don’t subscribe to the conspiracy theories. No, we don’t believe pharmaceuticals companies have some sinister purposes against the public good, nor do we believe they are hiding cancer cures in order to sell drugs. In fact, this kind of rhetoric takes away from the real problem. Pharmaceutical companies are businesses and like any business, the #1 goal is to make money.
We are not suggesting the prescriptions don’t have a place at all. However, we believe that the public should be aware of alternative solutions and the consequences that come with the massive adoption of prescription pills. We believe that alternative solutions like Cannabis may make some prescription pills completely obsolete and obviously, pharmaceutical businesses don’t want that to happen.
We wrote a blog post on this subject “Chronic Pain and Opioids, Why Big Pharma Hates Cannabis” and we encourage you to read it
The following statistics give a good visual representation of where things are.